Foundation repairs
If you’re one of the many homeowners around Boston who’ve been experiencing foundation problems, you’re probably looking for a reliable foundation repair company to have your home inspected and make the necessary repairs. With years of experience in foundation repair, Hardrock masonry and construction in Boston can provide you with a free foundation analysis, along with recommendations on how to handle any issues that are found.
If you live in the MA area, you may have heard a lot of news lately about foundation settlement. After a few days of harsh winter weather last month, cracks began to appear in the walls of many homes, and homeowners were baffled as to what had caused them. The culprit, it turned out, were frozen ground shifts that had occurred throughout the region in recent months.
The ground freezes and thaws as temperatures trend up and down with the passing seasons, and these seasonal movements can cause the foundation to settle unevenly. This will result in unbalanced weight on one side of your home or another, which causes cracks in your walls—in some instances, these can be quite dramatic and may even show up before winter’s end. You may notice that new cracks would appear overnight as you’re watching TV or preparing dinner. This is because movements like this are often imperceptible until they have caused obvious physical issues; if your home has been shifting for a long time without any evidence of foundation settlement, you’ll likely only really see its effects once significant damage has been done.
In an effort to prevent further complications, it’s important that you call our professional foundation repair specialist to assess your situation and determine what kind of damage has already occurred in your foundation.